Auction Details

Auction Details
Session 1: Large Variety of Coins & Currency, Canadian, USA & Foreign
Session 2: Nice Selection of Antiques & Collectibles from the Andrishak Estate
Some auction items are listed as "CHOICE"
The winning bidder is awarded FIRST right to choose from the items offered on Choice as many as they want X(times) the money. NOTE 15% BUYER'S PREMIUM. PLEASE READ ALL TERMS & CONDITIONS. SHIPPING FOR THE SATURDAY SESSION CAN TAKE UP TO 21 DAYS !
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Box Lot: Amethyst & Purple Glassware & Chinaware Combo244 - Box Lot: Amethyst & Purple Glassware & Chinaware Combo
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Box Lot: Amythyst & Purple Glassware & Chinaware Combo
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (10.00) = 10.00
Box Lot: Copper, Brass, Eggs & Ephemera, etc245 - Box Lot: Copper, Brass, Eggs & Ephemera, etc
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Box Lot: Copper, Brass, Eggs & Ephemera, etc
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (70.00) = 70.00
Box Lot: Quaker Oats Promo Mugs, Tobacco Tins, Crock Jug, Ginger Shandy Crock Bottle, Thermometer, J246 - Box Lot: Quaker Oats Promo Mugs, Tobacco Tins, Crock Jug, Ginger Shandy Crock Bottle, Thermometer, J
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Box Lot: Quaker Oats Promo Mugs, Tobacco Tins, Crock Jug, Ginger Shandy Crock Bottle, Thermometer, Jars, Bottles
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (40.00) = 40.00
Tray Lot: Stubby Beer Bottles, Cork Screws, Radio, Clock, Straight Razor, Ice Box, etc247 - Tray Lot: Stubby Beer Bottles, Cork Screws, Radio, Clock, Straight Razor, Ice Box, etc
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Tray Lot: Stubby Beer Bottles, Cork Screws, Radio, Clock, Straight Razor, Ice Box, etc
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (60.00) = 60.00
Tray Lot: Milk Glass, Pitchers, Mini Lamp, Carbide Lamps, etc248 - Tray Lot: Milk Glass, Pitchers, Mini Lamp, Carbide Lamps, etc
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Tray Lot: Milk Glass, Pitchers, Mini Lamp, Carbide Lamps, etc
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (75.00) = 75.00
Tray Lot: Hudson's Bay Axe, Horse Shoes, Crock Jugs, Ephemera, Photographs, etc249 - Tray Lot: Hudson's Bay Axe, Horse Shoes, Crock Jugs, Ephemera, Photographs, etc
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Tray Lot: Hudsons Bay Axe, Horse Shoes, Crock Jugs, Ephemera, Photographs, etc
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (65.00) = 65.00
"Elk Point" Memorabilia / Collectibles / Ephemera250 - "Elk Point" Memorabilia / Collectibles / Ephemera
Scribner Auction Ltd.
"Elk Point" Memorabilia / Collectibles / Ephemera
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (32.50) = 32.50
Student Lamp - White Shade251 - Student Lamp - White Shade
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Student Lamp - White Shade
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (180.00) = 180.00
Glass Paper Weight Collection w/Display Case252 - Glass Paper Weight Collection w/Display Case
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Glass Paper Weight Collection w/Display Case
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (90.00) = 90.00
Reckitt's Bag Blue Box w/Reckitt's Cartons, Horse Shoes, Bells, Ephemera, Snuffer, Bottle, etc253 - Reckitt's Bag Blue Box w/Reckitt's Cartons, Horse Shoes, Bells, Ephemera, Snuffer, Bottle, etc
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Reckitt's Bag Blue Box w/Reckitt's Cartons, Horse Shoes, Bells, Ephemera, Snuffer, Bottle, etc
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (60.00) = 60.00
Box Lot: Porcelain Sign "Anglo-American Fire Insurance Company" & Manitoba Free Press Box Strip, Red254 - Box Lot: Porcelain Sign "Anglo-American Fire Insurance Company" & Manitoba Free Press Box Strip, Red
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Box Lot: Porcelain Sign "Anglo-American Fire Insurance Company" & Manitoba Free Press Box Strip, Red Ink Bottle, Clock, Desk Bell, Gla...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (200.00) = 200.00
Tray Lot: Royalty / Monarchy Collectibles (China, Tins, Pictures, Book, British Support Flag)255 - Tray Lot: Royalty / Monarchy Collectibles (China, Tins, Pictures, Book, British Support Flag)
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Tray Lot: Royalty / Monarchy Collectibles (China, Tins, Pictures, Book, British Support Flag)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (40.00) = 40.00
Tray Lot: Labware Bottles, Amethyst Glass Ball Claw Feet (2); Tins, Bells, etc !256 - Tray Lot: Labware Bottles, Amethyst Glass Ball Claw Feet (2); Tins, Bells, etc !
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Tray Lot: Labware Bottles, Amethyst Glass Ball Claw Feet (2); Tins, Bells, etc !
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (120.00) = 120.00
Wooden Display Box with Ink Well Collection & Nutshell Library by Sherwin Cody257 - Wooden Display Box with Ink Well Collection & Nutshell Library by Sherwin Cody
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Wooden Display Box with Ink Well Collection & Nutshell Library by Sherwin Cody
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (120.00) = 120.00
Tray Lot: Kennedy Assassination Newspapers, Magazine, President Knowledge Wheel, Knights of the Macc258 - Tray Lot: Kennedy Assassination Newspapers, Magazine, President Knowledge Wheel, Knights of the Macc
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Tray Lot: Kennedy Assasination Newspapers, Magazine, President Knowledge Wheel, Knights of the Maccabees Ribbon + 2 Jars
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (50.00) = 50.00
Drink Case w/Bell System Zippo Lighter (engraved US Navy), Bell Bottling Clear Embossed Bottle, Miss259 - Drink Case w/Bell System Zippo Lighter (engraved US Navy), Bell Bottling Clear Embossed Bottle, Miss
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Drink Case w/Bell System Zippo Lighter (engraved US Navy), Bell Bottling Clear Embossed Bottle, Mission Masson Jar, Clock, Bell, Small Crock, Cig Tins
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (210.00) = 210.00
Box Lot: Special Export Ware Jug/Spout, Arcade Crystal Grinder, Wood Cutting Board, Butter Press, Bo260 - Box Lot: Special Export Ware Jug/Spout, Arcade Crystal Grinder, Wood Cutting Board, Butter Press, Bo
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Box Lot: Special Export Ware Jug/Spout, Arcade Crystal Grinder, Wood Cutting Board, Butter Press, Bottle, etc
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (80.00) = 80.00
Box Lot: Collection of Amethyst Bottles (Variety Sizes/Types)261 - Box Lot: Collection of Amethyst Bottles (Variety Sizes/Types)
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Box Lot: Collection of Amethyst Bottles (Variety Sizes/Types)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (10.00) = 10.00
Oil & Gas Tins : Variety Sizes / Types & Service Station Bell/Light Frame262 - Oil & Gas Tins : Variety Sizes / Types & Service Station Bell/Light Frame
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Oil & Gas Tins : Variety Sizes / Types & Service Station Bell/Light Frame
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (70.00) = 70.00
Box Lot: Collection of Green Embossed Bottles (Variety Sizes/Types)263 - Box Lot: Collection of Green Embossed Bottles (Variety Sizes/Types)
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Box Lot: Collection of Green Embossed Bottles (Variety Sizes/Types)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (55.00) = 55.00