1058 - Tip Top Tire Patch Tin with Carbide Light, Wiper Blade, Patch Kit, Vintage Chev Parts Box, Chev Key,Scribner Auction Ltd.
Tip Top Tire Patch Tin with Carbide Light, Wiper Blade, Patch Kit, Vintage Chev Parts Box, Chev Key, etc
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to W******9 for (115.00) = 115.00
1080 - Tray Lot - Vintage Kitchen: Black Americana S&P, Orange Kettle, Clock, Tin, Light Shade, ThermometerScribner Auction Ltd.
Tray Lot - Vintage Kitchen: Black Americana S&P, Orange Kettle, Clock, Tin, Light Shade, Thermometer, etc
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to j**********r for (42.50) = 42.50
1095 - Tray Lot - Hardware/Garage Tins (21): Rawleigh's, Permag, Rexall, Snap, Pentox, etcScribner Auction Ltd.
Tray Lot - Hardware/Garage Tins (21): Rawleigh's, Permag, Rexall, Snap, Pentox, etc
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to j**********r for (95.00) = 95.00