1158 - Selection of ammo tubesWard's Auctions
Selection of ammo tubes
Items are still being added
Latest Update August 17, 2023
Bids Cannot be Withdrawn Once Placed. Bid accordingly
The teams
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to V**********s for (200.00) = 200.00
1160 - Lyman .250 SAV die set, Herter's .35 REM die set, .35 REM brass and bullets, .250 SAV brass, .300 WIWard's Auctions
Lyman .250 SAV die set, Herter's .35 REM die set, .35 REM brass and bullets, .250 SAV brass, .300 WIN brass, .356 brass, assorted bullets, etc
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (70.00) = 70.00
1163 - Large selection of bullets including .348, .375, 10mm, .25 CAL, .33 CAL, .303 CAL and .32 CAL. Lead Ward's Auctions
Large selection of bullets including .348, .375, 10mm, .25 CAL, .33 CAL, .303 CAL and .32 CAL. Lead and jacketed included
Items are still being added
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to floor for (250.00) = 250.00