Non-Restricted shotgun Browning ( Belgium) model Auto 5 Magnum, 12 ga. 3" pump action, w/ bbl length

Currency:CAD Category:Firearms & Military Start Price:NA
Non-Restricted shotgun Browning ( Belgium) model Auto 5 Magnum, 12 ga. 3  pump action, w/ bbl length
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Non-Restricted shotgun Browning ( Belgium) model Auto 5 Magnum, 12 ga. 3" pump action, w/ bbl length 31 1/2" [Choked markings include (None seen), bore diameter as measured 6" from muzzle (.7235), muzzle diameter (.687)] [Blued barrel and receiver. Single bead front sight with bead missing. Tubular magazine. Hardwood stock with branded recoil pad. Checkered grip and forend. Decoratively engraved receiver. Marked "MADE IN BELGIUM" on barrel. Mechanically appears to function reasonably well. Bluing worn in use and handling areas with some pitting. Nicks and dings in wood and other use, handling and storage marks.] serial # 77302, PAL required

Latest Update August 16, 2024

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