
Timed Auction Details

Currency:CAD Category:Collectibles Start Price:NA
Timed Auction Details

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Auction Date:2024 Oct 27 @ 10:00 (UTC-6 : CST/MDT)
Location:11802-145 St, Edmonton, Alberta, T5L 2H3, Canada
Timed Online Bidding

Call Brad Ward to Consign 780-940-8378
Bids can not be cancelled once placed, bid responsibly.

Items are only shipped through Canada Post and must fit in their package limits. Art & Alcohol cannot be insured.
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Anything larger or restricted is the responsibility of the buyer.
Buyers premium: 20% EMT and debit. 23% Visa & MC
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Timed Online Auction (Timing may be adjusted before auction day)
-Items begin closing in 30 second intervals.
-Close time is extended if bids are registered 60 seconds before it sells.
-Extension time is 30 seconds.

Further details can be found in lots beginning with 0 (zero) or in the "terms and policies" sections of this auction.

Quick review:

-A buyers premium is added to the hammer price of all sold items. 20% for Cash, Interac E-transfer or Debit. 23% for Visa & Mastercard. Credit cards are charged after the payment deadline.

-The items have been displayed and each purchaser shall be held to have satisfied themselves as to the condition, identity and authenticity of said items and shall not be permitted to make any objection after the sale on any grounds whatsoever.

-Email the auctioneer for additional information or photos if required. Purchaser is responsible for authenticating items.

-Items are shipped through Canada Post. Items too large or prohibited are the responsibility of the buyer.