507 - Marquis Brougham, 460, v8, Auto, Showing 4159, SN.5Z62A520984 (Not Running)Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Marquis Brougham, 460, v8, Auto, Showing 4159, SN.5Z62A520984 (Not Running)
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to E****B for (530.00) = 530.00
508 - White 2- 45 Diesel Tractor, 3pt, Showing 1869 Hrs, Drives, Rear Tire Leaking, Single Hyd's (One OwneEd Prodaniuk Auctions
White 2- 45 Diesel Tractor, 3pt, Showing 1869 Hrs, Drives, Rear Tire Leaking, Single Hyd's (One Owner) PH-780-782-1156
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to S***x for (10,000.00) = 10,000.00
517 - Case 830, Gas, 18.4 x 34 Tires (Turns Over, Hasn't Run for Years, One Rear Tire Needs a Tube)Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Case 830, Gas, 18.4 x 34 Tires (Turns Over, Hasn't Run for Years, One Rear Tire Needs a Tube)
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to B**7 for (1,000.00) = 1,000.00
519 - Top Air, 3 pt., Sprayer, Approx. 280-300 gal Tank 45', Hyd. Drive, As New, Was $10,000 5yrs ago, Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Top Air, 3 pt., Sprayer, Approx. 280-300 gal Tank 45', Hyd. Drive, As New, Was $10,000 5yrs ago, PH-780-719-1744
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to M*******8 for (4,100.00) = 4,100.00
520 - Tigercat CC/CV Welder Generator, 8000 Watt, Showing 125 hrs, (Was Running April 21st/22, Needs BatteEd Prodaniuk Auctions
Tigercat CC/CV Welder Generator, 8000 Watt, Showing 125 hrs, (Was Running April 21st/22, Needs Battery) SN.KF791666
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to m********y.. for (1,850.00) = 1,850.00
521 - Lincoln, 200 Amp Welder c/w Trailer, Extra Cables, (Was Running April 21st/22, Needs Battery) SN.A-9Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Lincoln, 200 Amp Welder c/w Trailer, Extra Cables, (Was Running April 21st/22, Needs Battery) SN.A-908842
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to L****y for (1,200.00) = 1,200.00
523 - Misty River 14' Boat, Honda 15HP, c/w EZ Loader Trailer (No Serial #), Tarp, Fish Finder (HummingbirEd Prodaniuk Auctions
Misty River 14' Boat, Honda 15HP, c/w EZ Loader Trailer (No Serial #), Tarp, Fish Finder (Hummingbird) Boat SN.ZMR01043F990
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to m********k for (3,600.00) = 3,600.00
530 - Scona Tandem Dually Eqp. Trailer, Pintle Hitch On Air (Approx. 15-20,000 lb Axles), 20' Deck, 36" DoEd Prodaniuk Auctions
Scona Tandem Dually Eqp. Trailer, Pintle Hitch On Air (Approx. 15-20,000 lb Axles), 20' Deck, 36" Dovetail and Ramps, SN.T8218996
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to S****r for (2,150.00) = 2,150.00
531 - 1990 F350 4X4, 460, 4spd, c/w Front Snow Blade, Showing 132,173 Km, 10' Aluminum Deck, Good 16" RubbEd Prodaniuk Auctions
1990 F350 4X4, 460, 4spd, c/w Front Snow Blade, Showing 132,173 Km, 10' Aluminum Deck, Good 16" Rubber SN.2FDKF38G8LCA98715
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to t********9 for (5,000.00) = 5,000.00
535 - IHC S Tandem Axle Truck, Model F1924, 446 gas, 5 & 4 Trans, Date of Mfg. 10/10/78/2, 11Rx22.5 Tires Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
IHC S Tandem Axle Truck, Model F1924, 446 gas, 5 & 4 Trans, Date of Mfg. 10/10/78/2, 11Rx22.5 Tires (As New), 27 Ton Nordic Hoist, 20' Canca...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to H***6 for (18,000.00) = 18,000.00
541 - White 2- 135 Tractor CAHR, Showing 4604 hrs, 20.8 x 38 Duals, 1000 PTO, SN.301746-437 (Mice have BeeEd Prodaniuk Auctions
White 2- 135 Tractor CAHR, Showing 4604 hrs, 20.8 x 38 Duals, 1000 PTO, SN.301746-437 (Mice have Been in Cab) PH 780-782-1156
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to m*****V for (15,325.00) = 15,325.00
543 - Bearcat PT225 Tractor, sells c/w 6-way Degelman Dozer, 18.4x38 Tires, Showing 8385 hrs, 4 Hyd's and Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Bearcat PT225 Tractor, sells c/w 6-way Degelman Dozer, 18.4x38 Tires, Showing 8385 hrs, 4 Hyd's and Return Line, PTO, SN.14100188, PH- 780-805-4...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to w*****G for (12,750.00) = 12,750.00
544 - 1688 Case IH, 3226 hrs, 7 Belt Pickup, SN.JJC0119964, PH-780-910-7480Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
1688 Case IH, 3226 hrs, 7 Belt Pickup, SN.JJC0119964, PH-780-910-7480
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to S********r.. for (12,000.00) = 12,000.00
545 - Case IH 1480 Combine, 388-Melro PU, 3125 hrs, Spreader, SN.64168, PH 780-910-7480Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Case IH 1480 Combine, 388-Melro PU, 3125 hrs, Spreader, SN.64168, PH 780-910-7480
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to e******6 for (2,550.00) = 2,550.00
546 - Case 1175 Tractor, 5578 Orig. hrs, 2 Hyds, PTO, 540 Duals, SN.870081, PH Ed 780-222-9394Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Case 1175 Tractor, 5578 Orig. hrs, 2 Hyds, PTO, 540 Duals, SN.870081, PH Ed 780-222-9394
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to e********c.. for (4,000.00) = 4,000.00
548 - MF 4880, Showing 12005 Hrs, 5 Hyds, 23.1x34 Duals, SN.9D003382, PH 306-304-2136Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
MF 4880, Showing 12005 Hrs, 5 Hyds, 23.1x34 Duals, SN.9D003382, PH 306-304-2136
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to B****o for (5,900.00) = 5,900.00