Unreserved Timed Online Retirement Auction for IDEAL Tile and Terrazzo

Auction Details

Bids start to close Feb 8th at 9:00am. Everything sells as is, where is
This is a HUGE Retirement Auction for IDEAL Tile and Terrazzo
Approx. 800 Full slabs of Granite & 1700 Partial slabs.
Full line of Equipment for Installations and Manufacturers.
For more info Ph Peter or Kelly (780) 447-4777, Location: 10821 214 St NW, Edmonton
Items will be sold every 30 seconds. If bidding is extended, the next lot will be up for bidding at the same time. PLEASE REFRESH your browsers every few minutes, especially on cell phones and tablets.
Preview: Feb 4th, 6th and 7th, 9am to 4pm or by appointment. All payments in Canadian Funds
There is a Huge Amount of Tool's & Equipment, Plus Large Inventory of Full Slabs & Pieces, plus tile and accessories.
Auction is Open to Contractors & to the Public.
IDEAL TILE & TERRAZZO have been in business for 52 years.
Buyers must bring their own manual labor for physical loading, packing and/or dismantling.
Forklifts will be onsite for loading
The yard is very tight & we must all work together to get loaded quickly and safely. Thank you
INTERNET BUYER'S FEE: 10% on all items to a maximum of $1000 per item.
BIDS Starts to Close Feb 8th
PREVIEW: Feb 4th,6th & 7th, 9am-4pm or by appt.
PAYMENT IN FULL: Feb 9th & 10th On Location OR By Ph, 9am-5pm
REMOVAL: 9am-5pm-Closed Sunday. Everything to be removed by Feb 25th
We accept Visa, MC, Debit, Cash, Approved Chqs, EFT & Wire Transfer($20 fee)Payment can be made by ph 780-459-5875
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10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Antique brown, Cosmic honed Granite and other various color682 - 10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Antique brown, Cosmic honed Granite and other various color
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Antique brown, Cosmic honed Granite and other various colors
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to C*********4 for (155.00) = 155.00
10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Giallo ornamental Granite, Aqua current Vetrazzo and Variou683 - 10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Giallo ornamental Granite, Aqua current Vetrazzo and Variou
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Giallo ornamental Granite, Aqua current Vetrazzo and Various colors of Granite and Quartz
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*******9 for (60.00) = 60.00
Wooden slab stand684 - Wooden slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to d*********s for (7.50) = 7.50
7- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Nougat Quartz and other various colors685 - 7- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Nougat Quartz and other various colors
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
7- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Nougat Quartz and other various colors
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R********i.. for (95.00) = 95.00
Metal slab stand686 - Metal slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Metal slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (50.00) = 50.00
7- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Diamond black, Alaska white, Bianco Antico Granite and other687 - 7- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Diamond black, Alaska white, Bianco Antico Granite and other
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
7- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Diamond black, Alaska white, Bianco Antico Granite and other various colors
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (65.00) = 65.00
15 Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Blue eyes, Giallo ornamental, white Granite, Calacatta dorat688 - 15 Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Blue eyes, Giallo ornamental, white Granite, Calacatta dorat
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
15 Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Blue eyes, Giallo ornamental, white Granite, Calacatta dorats, Golden beach Quartz and other various co...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*******9 for (40.00) = 40.00
9- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Dakota mahogany, Bianco Antico Granite and 3/4" thick, Cambr689 - 9- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Dakota mahogany, Bianco Antico Granite and 3/4" thick, Cambr
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
9- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Dakota mahogany, Bianco Antico Granite and 3/4" thick, Cambrian black Granite
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (25.00) = 25.00
10- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Ubatuba, Juperana columbo, Bianco sardo Granite and 1 1/4" th690 - 10- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Ubatuba, Juperana columbo, Bianco sardo Granite and 1 1/4" th
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
10- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Ubatuba, Juperana columbo, Bianco sardo Granite and 1 1/4" thick, Fantasy brown honed, Bianco roman...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*****a for (340.00) = 340.00
Wooden slab stand691 - Wooden slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*****a for (10.00) = 10.00
10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Diamond black, Leather brown, Bianco romano, Bianco Antico 692 - 10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Diamond black, Leather brown, Bianco romano, Bianco Antico
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Diamond black, Leather brown, Bianco romano, Bianco Antico and other various colors of Granite c/w Woo...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*******9 for (25.00) = 25.00
Approx. 10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Bianco antiqco Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Giallo st cec693 - Approx. 10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Bianco antiqco Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Giallo st cec
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Approx. 10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Bianco antiqco Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Giallo st cecilia, Forest black Granite, 1 1/4"...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*******9 for (75.00) = 75.00
1- Slab, Approx. 122" x 42" x 1 1/4" thick, Fantasy brown honed Granite694 - 1- Slab, Approx. 122" x 42" x 1 1/4" thick, Fantasy brown honed Granite
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
1- Slab, Approx. 122" x 42" x 1 1/4" thick, Fantasy brown honed Granite
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*****a for (430.00) = 430.00
Approx. 15- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Imperial red, Sapphire blue, Persia pearl Granite, 695 - Approx. 15- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Imperial red, Sapphire blue, Persia pearl Granite,
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Approx. 15- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Imperial red, Sapphire blue, Persia pearl Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Copper dunes Quartz and ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*******9 for (80.00) = 80.00
Wooden slab stand696 - Wooden slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*****a for (10.00) = 10.00
1- Slab, Approx. 108" x 60" x 3" thick, Terrazzo precast and Approx. 128" x 63" x 3/4" thick, Cascad697 - 1- Slab, Approx. 108" x 60" x 3" thick, Terrazzo precast and Approx. 128" x 63" x 3/4" thick, Cascad
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
1- Slab, Approx. 108" x 60" x 3" thick, Terrazzo precast and Approx. 128" x 63" x 3/4" thick, Cascade coral Granite (s...
Bidding Has Concluded
Quantity : 3
Sold to j****V for (30.00) x 3 = 90.00
Wooden slab stand698 - Wooden slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to s********9 for (7.50) = 7.50
3- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Kashmere gold and Kashmere white Granite699 - 3- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Kashmere gold and Kashmere white Granite
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
3- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Kashmere gold and Kashmere white Granite
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*******9 for (50.00) = 50.00
Approx. 6- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Delicates extra and Giallo ornamental Granite c/w wo700 - Approx. 6- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Delicates extra and Giallo ornamental Granite c/w wo
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Approx. 6- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Delicates extra and Giallo ornamental Granite c/w wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to n*******N for (25.00) = 25.00
5- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Clarino, Ebony Quartz and other various colors c/w metal sla701 - 5- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Clarino, Ebony Quartz and other various colors c/w metal sla
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
5- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Clarino, Ebony Quartz and other various colors c/w metal slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*******9 for (75.02) = 75.02
9- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Imperial coffee, Tropical brown, Giallo st cecilia, 3/4" thi702 - 9- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Imperial coffee, Tropical brown, Giallo st cecilia, 3/4" thi
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
9- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Imperial coffee, Tropical brown, Giallo st cecilia, 3/4" thick, Gold brown Granite and 1 1/4"...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*******9 for (50.00) = 50.00
4- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Sappire blue, Magma, Laurentian green Granite c/w wooden sla703 - 4- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Sappire blue, Magma, Laurentian green Granite c/w wooden sla
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
4- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Sappire blue, Magma, Laurentian green Granite c/w wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j****V for (65.00) = 65.00
6- Slabs, various sizes x 3/4" thick, Green marble, and 1 1/4" thick, Kashmere white Granite and oth704 - 6- Slabs, various sizes x 3/4" thick, Green marble, and 1 1/4" thick, Kashmere white Granite and oth
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
6- Slabs, various sizes x 3/4" thick, Green marble, and 1 1/4" thick, Kashmere white Granite and other various colors of Marble and Granit...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*****a for (150.00) = 150.00
Approx. 14- Slabs, various sizes and colors c/w wooden slab stand705 - Approx. 14- Slabs, various sizes and colors c/w wooden slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Approx. 14- Slabs, various sizes and colors c/w wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to c********m for (17.50) = 17.50
Approx 18- Slabs, various sizes and colors of Granite706 - Approx 18- Slabs, various sizes and colors of Granite
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Approx 18- Slabs, various sizes and colors of Granite
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to C*********4 for (170.00) = 170.00
Approx. 30- approx. 29" x24" Granite slabs, qty of granite Pces, 2- concrete 18" x 18" post caps and707 - Approx. 30- approx. 29" x24" Granite slabs, qty of granite Pces, 2- concrete 18" x 18" post caps and
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Approx. 30- approx. 29" x24" Granite slabs, qty of granite Pces, 2- concrete 18" x 18" post caps and 1- circular granite planter
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*****a for (310.00) = 310.00
Approx. 7- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Granite, various colors c/w wooden slab stand708 - Approx. 7- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Granite, various colors c/w wooden slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Approx. 7- Slabs, various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Granite, various colors c/w wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j****V for (60.00) = 60.00
Monarch elec. Portable cement mixer (working)708A - Monarch elec. Portable cement mixer (working)
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Monarch elec. Portable cement mixer (working)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to D********p.. for (120.00) = 120.00
Portable elec. cement mixer709 - Portable elec. cement mixer
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Portable elec. cement mixer
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to G*********e for (110.00) = 110.00
1- Full slab, approx. 87" x 41"  x 1 1/4" Flamed granite and 1- 4' x 8'  x 3/4" plywood710 - 1- Full slab, approx. 87" x 41" x 1 1/4" Flamed granite and 1- 4' x 8' x 3/4" plywood
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
1- Full slab, approx. 87" x 41" x 1 1/4" Flamed granite and 1- 4' x 8' x 3/4" plywood
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to s*******Y for (50.01) = 50.01
2- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" Labrador antique Granite and 2- slabs Various colors Granite710A - 2- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" Labrador antique Granite and 2- slabs Various colors Granite
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
2- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" Labrador antique Granite and 2- slabs Various colors Granite
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (100.00) = 100.00
Wooden slab stand711 - Wooden slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (7.50) = 7.50
11- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" & 1 1/4" thick, Granite (various colors)712 - 11- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" & 1 1/4" thick, Granite (various colors)
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
11- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" & 1 1/4" thick, Granite (various colors)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (160.00) = 160.00
6- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Leather brown Granite, 1 1/4" Cosmic Granite and other various713 - 6- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Leather brown Granite, 1 1/4" Cosmic Granite and other various
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
6- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Leather brown Granite, 1 1/4" Cosmic Granite and other various colors
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*******9 for (90.00) = 90.00
Wooden slab stand714 - Wooden slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (15.00) = 15.00
Approx. 8- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Baltic brown and other various colors of Quartz and Gr715 - Approx. 8- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Baltic brown and other various colors of Quartz and Gr
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Approx. 8- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Baltic brown and other various colors of Quartz and Granite
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (50.00) = 50.00
1- Slab, Approx. 98" x 53" x 1 1/4" thick, Limestone (Diano realle)716 - 1- Slab, Approx. 98" x 53" x 1 1/4" thick, Limestone (Diano realle)
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
1- Slab, Approx. 98" x 53" x 1 1/4" thick, Limestone (Diano realle)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j****V for (20.00) = 20.00
Wooden slab stand717 - Wooden slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j*****a for (25.00) = 25.00
Approx 6- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Rosie pink Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Giallo ornamental Gra718 - Approx 6- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Rosie pink Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Giallo ornamental Gra
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Approx 6- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Rosie pink Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Giallo ornamental Granite and other various colors
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (175.00) = 175.00
4- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Imperial coffee Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Bianco saldo granite an719 - 4- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Imperial coffee Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Bianco saldo granite an
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
4- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Imperial coffee Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Bianco saldo granite and 1 1/4" thick various colors of ...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j****V for (200.00) = 200.00
Wooden slab stand720 - Wooden slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (5.00) = 5.00
Approx 10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Baracudo, Caladonia Granite, and various color Quart721 - Approx 10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Baracudo, Caladonia Granite, and various color Quart
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Approx 10- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Baracudo, Caladonia Granite, and various color Quartz and Granite
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (130.00) = 130.00
Metal slab stand722 - Metal slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Metal slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to s********9 for (70.00) = 70.00
5- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Imperial coffee, Luna pearl and other various colors of Granit723 - 5- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Imperial coffee, Luna pearl and other various colors of Granit
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
5- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Imperial coffee, Luna pearl and other various colors of Granite
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to j****V for (140.00) = 140.00
2- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, New venetian gold Granite724 - 2- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, New venetian gold Granite
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
2- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, New venetian gold Granite
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*******9 for (17.50) = 17.50
Wooden slab stand725 - Wooden slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Wooden slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (17.50) = 17.50
4- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Verde butterfly Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Stanstead white Granite726 - 4- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Verde butterfly Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Stanstead white Granite
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
4- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Verde butterfly Granite, 1 1/4" thick, Stanstead white Granite and other various colors of Granite a...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (200.00) = 200.00
6- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Nero impala Granite, Flamed 1 1/4" thick, Steel grey Granite a727 - 6- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Nero impala Granite, Flamed 1 1/4" thick, Steel grey Granite a
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
6- Slabs, Various sizes x 3/4" thick, Nero impala Granite, Flamed 1 1/4" thick, Steel grey Granite and other various colors c/w metal slab...
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to R*******9 for (30.00) = 30.00
9- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Tropical brown Granite and other various colors of Granite a728 - 9- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Tropical brown Granite and other various colors of Granite a
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
9- Slabs, Various sizes x 1 1/4" thick, Tropical brown Granite and other various colors of Granite and Quartz c/w metal slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to r******G for (45.00) = 45.00
Approx. 21- Slabs, Various sizes and colors of Granite c/w metal slab stand729 - Approx. 21- Slabs, Various sizes and colors of Granite c/w metal slab stand
Ed Prodaniuk Auctions
Approx. 21- Slabs, Various sizes and colors of Granite c/w metal slab stand
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to C*********4 for (410.00) = 410.00